Miracle League of Las Vegas – NEW Home Page2025-03-07T16:11:05-08:00

BIG NEWS!!!  Competitive Division Update, FEB 22, 2025

We’ve added a second Competitive Division with (2) new teams for our younger players!  The Tigers and the Orioles will play up to (4) innings, or a 1-hour game, whichever comes first, at 5PM every Saturday.  This Division will be the Cactus League, symbolic of an emphasis on training and skills development.  All Cactus League players will have a Buddy by their side to help field and provide during-the-play coaching on where to throw the ball.

The Twins and Diamondbacks will battle for the 6th consecutive season in the Major League Competitive Division on a new day, every FRIDAY, 5PM – 6:30PM, for all eight weeks of the 2025 Spring Season.  The Tigers and Orioles will square off in the new Cactus League Competitive Division every SATURDAY, 5PM – 6:00PM, for all eight weeks of the 2025 Spring Season.   All other Miracle League games will continue every Saturday as they normally do on the hour from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM for the remaining (18) teams.

Click the buttons (LEFT) for specific Competitive Division details…

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A First-Ever Miracle League Season, Spring 2024

Follow the fun as we track the first ever season for Mariners’ rookies Nathen and Masen Narciso!  Many thanks to their Mom, Jennasen Narciso, for producing and sharing this excellent video production with us!

Two great pics from our Spring 2024 Season… Imogen “Iron Iggy” Wolske of the Mets gets a perfectly executed assist from her Buddy, and Angels rookie, Dalyn Bada, and his Mom celebrate an inside-the-park home run!
We celebrated the Spring 2023 Season with a brand new field surface!  Many thanks to Reilly Smith and the Vegas Golden Knights Foundation for a MAJOR DONATION that made this cooler, softer, more vibrant ball field possible!
Two of our favorites photos from the 2022 Spring Season; Maddison, “Hot Wheels”, of the Yankees poses with Bark Andre Furry, who’s sporting his new Miracle League jersey, and Rockies’ players Luke Sylvestri (“Big Time”) and Luke Krueger (“Lukie Boy”) hangin’ out at the ballpark…
Two of our favorites images from the 2021 Spring Season; our first games on the field after a 15 month COVID-19 pause… many thanks to L.E. Baskow/Las Vegas Review-Journal (Freelance Photographer at www.LeftEyeImages.com) for the Star Wars shot featuring Mets’ rookie, Ryzer, and to Becky Sanchez for the Batman photo with her son, “Fireball Felix” of the Cubs.  And our immense gratitude goes out to the Rebel Legion Coruscant Base and Critical Care Comics for always bringing even more special fun to our ball field with the Star Wars characters!

Miracle League Stories

Click the buttons below for all the details on our first-ever “virtual” Baseball Season during the COVID fall of 2020.  We had announcers, walk-up songs, FREE RAFFLE Prizes, and even a FREE HOT DOG if you hit the pitcher!  It wasn’t quite the same as being on our ballfield, but it was a blast!

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